Hi, my name is Thiago Ramos.
I am a software engineer based in Brazil and have been on this journey for over a decade. I started with Object-Pascal and Delphi but quickly changed to Java, where I pursued the SCJP (now OCJP), became a Rubyist, and now I make Elixir potions.
I discovered programming when I was a teenager. Unfortunately, I didn't find it earlier. Even though I pursued graduation in Information Systems and some certifications, I consider myself a self-taught programmer.
Programming has been part of my life for so many years now, and I love it so much that I can't remember when I didn't do it.
Before programming, though, I was a professional musician, and music it's still one of my passions. If you let music enter in your life, I keep saying that you will have a companion and a shoulder to laugh and cry on forever.
With this blog, I intend to teach, learn and talk with you about everything that I love, everything that caught my attention in one way or another, and all my weird thoughts about life, love, food, remote work, and how to have a fulfilled life.
I hope this brings you joy or at least some information. We are in this together.
Btw, I am terrible designer and of course, I didn't design this blog. This template you can find in Tailwind UI. Thank you Adam for such a great project.